In India, you are not allowed to enter places of worship because you’re considered impure while menstruating. In 2020, 68 girls were forced to strip and show their underwear to school authorities to prove they were not on their period because a used pad was found on the school premise In the US, girls are told not to go in forests as period blood can be smelt by bears while in Australia they’re told not to go near water as it can be smelt by sharks. In Afghanistan, it is believed that bathing while on your period can cause you to be infertile. In Japan, women are not allowed to become sushi chefs as it is believed that there is an imbalance in taste while on their periods. In Poland, it is believed that having sex while on your period can kill your partner. In the Philippines, you’re supposed to wash your face in menstrual blood after your first period to have healthy skin forever. In Romania, it is believed that touching plants and flowers while on your period will cause them to die faster In Bolivia, it is common for school girls to carry used menstrual pads in their backpacks throughout the day because they are taught that menstrual blood is extremely hazardous and can cause diseases like cancer if mixed with other waste. Close Girl Flu “Girl flu” depicts the absurdity of menstruation myths around the world and how the old tales of the ignorant have seeped into the present lives of our women. Avallon Tu ↗ ..... @ ..... 2023 Amanda Chen Betty Shao