I. Protection: Truth & Death a. In the 1300s, countless Jews were being slaughtered at the hands of French and German marauders — that’s how the story of the Golem came to be. These stone protectors were said to come to life when inscribed with the Hebrew word ‘Emet’ (truth). They would save the villages and synagogues from destruction. When a Golem’s work was done, their Aleph was wiped away, leaving ‘Met’ (death), and the being’s life would come to an end. II. Divination: Reading the ashes a. The pursuit of the future has been sought since the concept of time itself. Throughout the ages we have attempted to harness the aether in an attempt to transcribe the weavings of destiny — through the lens of the sculpted form we are finally able to pinpoint what we seek the most; our own demise. III. Idolization: The Sculpted Form a. We are but flawed beings; born onto the earth in imperfect husks. But, let us play god and sculpt life anew –Take the flaws of humanity and correct them. After all, the eye is of the beholder. IV. Immortality: Rebirth of Laocoön a. Since the ages before the written word, we have been trying to escape the clutches of death.?Living vicariously through stone, we record our lives and tales, finally cheating the inevitable and achieving immortality. With the discovery of Laocoön and his sons, the classical era was finally given form and this fascination with the past is what begat a new birth of art and culture — the renaissance V. Domination: Cracks of Colossus a. The Colossus stands tall and dominates all that lay beneath his gaze. However, nothing is immune to the eroding sands of time and eventually the colossi, and the legacy of the ruler it represents, will be lost to eternity. As much as all regality prolongs it, all kingdoms must eventually fall. VI. Immolation: Lamb a. I am one, I am all, I am sadness I am death. Through the mask, I can be everything. Masks have been a part of rituals since the dawn of culture itself, and have been used to characterize and impersonate the ethereal. With them, rituals gain a corporeal meaning and myth takes form. Close SCULPTURA Sculptura is about how humans assign sculptural objects with superhuman qualities to compensate for our own inadequacies. Elijah White ↗ ..... elijahjww.com ↗ ..... www.instagram.com/wizzardboi @ ..... elijahjww@gmail.com 2020 Elain Zhao Elma Shen