A variety of toiletries provide people with an overly luxurious bathing culture. Demonstrates the variety of sleep products available in modern life, reflecting the overwhelming desire for a comfortable sleep environment. Inspired by the word glamping, an outdoor escape that combines the luxury and convenience of self_catering accommodation associated with camping, but goes against the closeness to nature. Seeking mental comfort from pets without taking good care of them. Our various ways of drinking coffee reflect an excessive use of caffeine in modern society. The increased reliance on food delivery services encourages laziness. Mother’s love is a comfort zone for all of us. Comfort in screens is slowly taking over our lives, affecting our ability to concentrate and form meaningful connections. Overuse of household appliances creates an overloaded comfort zone. Online shopping has made it easy to access a wide selection of products while also fueling the desire to purchase unnecessary items. Close °∞Comfort Addiction°± Eva Lei ↗ ..... xin6802.wixsite.com/xinyulei @ ..... xin6802@gmail.com 2022 Emma Lazor Huiwen Xue