The universe Matter and Antimatter caused annihilation by interaction, this led to the big bang ,where the universe was born. The Tai chi The tai chi is the derivation of Yin and Yang, also the basic system of Taoist mystics, Yin and Yang fuse in different proportions and form 8 different signs, three signs is a group, and with those signs, most of the things in the world can be represented and foreseen. The time People created the concept of time because of seeing the rotation of the sun and the moon. The people Humanity is a combination of both goodness and evilness. The lives According to the theory of Taoism, the earth is turbid and static so it can give birth to the lives, and the sky is clear and dynamic so it keeps changing to gives those lives energy. (Rainy, Sunshine, wind….) The birth According to the theory of Taoism, female energy is represented by the earth and the male energy I represents by the sky, they also can creates new lives. The Personality Different people have different combinations of rationality and sensibility, and that forms different personalities. The temperate zone Regions that are extreme hot or cold are not suitable for lives to grow, but the mid part is always the most comfortable place to live. The vital process People often know birth and death before they realize that life has a length, just as there must be two points first before there is a line. The colors All the colors in the world are actually different degrees of grey, and grey is created by black and white. Close Yin Yang Yin and Yang represents two opposite sides of things in Taoism. I want to show that seemingly opposite things don’t have to be antagonistic, some times they can create new things by influencing each other. Jessica Wu ↗ ..... @ ..... 2023 Jenny Pan Jun Nguyen