Cutting crosses into Brussels sprouts was originally intended to evict demons that were believed to have hid within the leaves. Birthday candles were originally meant to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. The Aztecs created the first balloon animals using cat intestines, which were then presented to the gods as a sacrifice. Bridesmaids were originally meant as decoys, for the purpose of confusing evil spirits from the bride. Baby Rattles were originally intended to ward off demonic presences. The act of crossing one’s fingers originated from the belief that benign spirits dwelt at the intersection and drove demons away. Halloween traditions originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals. Close Allegory of the Mundane “Allegory of the Mundane”, suggests human engagement in fiction has shaped the reality surrounding our everyday existence. Tiafila Corpus ↗ ..... @ ..... 2019 Summer Duan Ting Ting Ding