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Illustration by Aidan Wilkins

Retold and Rewritten

Aidan Wilkins

Illustration by Aidan Wilkins
Major Works

Portal to the unknown

Aidan Wilkins

Illustration by Aimee Xiao

Unfamiliar Familiars

Aimee Xiao

Illustration by Alan Zhang

Fake News?

Alan Zhang

Illustration by Alec Jung

Far Away

Alec Jung

Illustration by Alicia Kastanis

A New Home

Alicia Kastanis

Illustration by Alizah Hashemy


Alizah Hashemy

Illustration by Amelia Gaille

Hanging by A Thread

Amelia Gaille

Illustration by Arden Cahill

Myths and Legends

Arden Cahill

Illustration by Aris Welchner


Aris Welchner

Illustration by Aris Welchner
Major Works

Prickly Pals

Aris Welchner

Illustration by Ashley Mozo

The Everyday

Ashley Mozo

Illustration by Ashley Mozo
Major Works

Art Board

Ashley Mozo

Illustration by Athena (Sin) Leung

Nano Acquaintance

Athena (Sin) Leung

Illustration by Avery Bursey


Avery Bursey

Illustration by Avery Bursey
Major Works

Blue walk

Avery Bursey

Illustration by Becky Wu

Heart of the City

Becky Wu

Illustration by Beige Blum

Not Your Waifu

Beige Blum

Illustration by Brooke Noble

Without Men.

Brooke Noble

Illustration by Brooke Olivia

Bouquet of Peonies on Tampons

Brooke Olivia

Illustration by Brooklin Holbrough


Brooklin Holbrough

Illustration by Brooklin Holbrough
Major Works

In the Garden

Brooklin Holbrough

Illustration by Caitlin Todd

Steeped Through Centuries

Caitlin Todd

Illustration by Caroline Icardo


Caroline Icardo

Illustration by Catherin Zhang

Petroglyph in the future

Catherin Zhang

Illustration by Catherine Zhang

Passed, Missing, Now

Catherine Zhang

Illustration by Changyi MU

Changyi MU

Illustration by Chloe Gifford

The American Decomposition

Chloe Gifford

Illustration by Chloe Gifford
Major Works

DeLorean Exhaust Fumes

Chloe Gifford

Illustration by Christine Kilfoil

Encyclopædia Securus, Contineo, Protegere

Christine Kilfoil

Illustration by Dan Waites

Odd Jobs

Dan Waites

Illustration by David Brown

Sick Days

David Brown

Illustration by Dongzhu Yang

Paradoxical Life

Dongzhu Yang

Illustration by Dongzhu Yang
Major Works

Wu Xing

Dongzhu Yang

Illustration by Dwight Zhang

Stab Me Gently

Dwight Zhang

Illustration by Dwight Zhang
Major Works


Dwight Zhang

Illustration by Eldon Barrett

Signs of Life

Eldon Barrett

Illustration by Eldon Barrett
Major Works


Eldon Barrett

Illustration by Emily Dakin

Herbal Heroines

Emily Dakin

Illustration by Emily Fay Fin

Happy Halloween

Emily Fay Fin

Illustration by Emma Roberts

Memento Mori

Emma Roberts

Illustration by Evie Campbell


Evie Campbell

Illustration by Evie Campbell
Major Works


Evie Campbell

Illustration by Gabriel Rojas Hruska

Gabriel Rojas Hruska

Illustration by Geneviève Groulx

Here I am

Geneviève Groulx

Illustration by Geneviève Groulx
Major Works

Judith & Joyce

Geneviève Groulx

Illustration by Gillian Goulet

Feathered Friends

Gillian Goulet

Illustration by Gillian Goulet
Major Works

Tuesday Treat Days

Gillian Goulet

Illustration by Ivan Nikitin

Creatures of Madness

Ivan Nikitin

Illustration by Ivan Nikitin
Major Works

Ivan Nikitin

Illustration by Jackson Tuson-Morse


Jackson Tuson-Morse

Illustration by Jackson Tuson-Morse
Major Works


Jackson Tuson-Morse

Illustration by Jenny Nguyen

The Hair Chronicles

Jenny Nguyen

Illustration by Jhenny Castillo

Where I Belong

Jhenny Castillo

Illustration by Jordyn Coles


Jordyn Coles

Illustration by Jordyn Coles
Major Works


Jordyn Coles

Illustration by Joy Kim

The Earnest Wish

Joy Kim

Illustration by Jura Choi


Jura Choi

Illustration by Kamilla Vorobieva


Kamilla Vorobieva

Illustration by Katelyn Truong

Olga’s Revenge

Katelyn Truong

Illustration by Katy Pan


Katy Pan

Illustration by Kelly Wan

Modern Superstition

Kelly Wan

Illustration by Kelly Wan
Major Works


Kelly Wan

Illustration by Lana Liu


Lana Liu

Illustration by Leann Navarro

Playing Hooky

Leann Navarro

Illustration by Len Montes

War Pigs

Len Montes

Illustration by Lina Wu

Slow Burn

Lina Wu

Illustration by Lina Wu
Major Works

Lina Wu

Illustration by Lisanne van der Oort

Love Conquers All

Lisanne van der Oort

Illustration by Lixiyue (Melanie) Yan

Solar News

Lixiyue (Melanie) Yan

Illustration by Lixiyue (Melanie) Yan
Major Works

Inside Joke

Lixiyue (Melanie) Yan

Illustration by Lu Chen

The Nature

Lu Chen

Illustration by Lucy Hong


Lucy Hong

Illustration by Luke Phillips

Little Death

Luke Phillips

Illustration by Luke Phillips
Major Works

Pandemic Portraits

Luke Phillips

Illustration by Lukus Kiernicki

Immoral Immortals

Lukus Kiernicki

Illustration by Lukus Kiernicki
Major Works

On Cats

Lukus Kiernicki

Illustration by Lydia Lam

Fleshed Out

Lydia Lam

Illustration by Mackenzie Coleman

On the Upside

Mackenzie Coleman

Illustration by Mackenzie Coleman
Major Works

Picking Thistles

Mackenzie Coleman

Illustration by Mahshid Kia

The Moon And I, We Understand Each Other

Mahshid Kia

Illustration by Marla Menendez Posada


Marla Menendez Posada

Illustration by Meegan Lim

Hierarchies of Taste

Meegan Lim

Illustration by Meegan Lim
Major Works

Childhood Leftovers

Meegan Lim

Illustration by Melody Yuan

Our World: Man-made world

Melody Yuan

Illustration by Merryn Connelly-Miller

Dream Home

Merryn Connelly-Miller

Illustration by Merryn Connelly-Miller
Major Works

The Lake

Merryn Connelly-Miller

Illustration by Mia Debbas

Teta Alit

Mia Debbas

Illustration by Mia Debbas
Major Works


Mia Debbas

Illustration by Mia November

Little Golden Books

Mia November

Illustration by Michael Hu


Michael Hu

Illustration by Michael Hu
Major Works

Blind nap

Michael Hu

Illustration by Michael Thompson

I Need You (To Go Away)

Michael Thompson

Illustration by Michael Thompson
Major Works


Michael Thompson

Illustration by Michael Zhang


Michael Zhang

Illustration by Michayla Buium

Don’t Betray Me

Michayla Buium

Illustration by Minah Lee


Minah Lee

Illustration by Mingjun Guo

Right Here Waiting

Mingjun Guo

Illustration by Mingjun Guo
Major Works

Magic Realism

Mingjun Guo

Illustration by Miranda Belen

Choose Your Next Words Carefully

Miranda Belen

Illustration by Miranda Belen
Major Works

Beautiful Fears

Miranda Belen

Illustration by Radha Joshi Raulgaonkar

Late to the Party

Radha Joshi Raulgaonkar

Illustration by Radha Joshi Raulgaonkar
Major Works

Leave Me Alone, Leave Me Afloat

Radha Joshi Raulgaonkar

Illustration by Rebecca Michie

The Ramblin’ Women

Rebecca Michie

Illustration by Reginald Balanga

Reginald Balanga

Illustration by Reyhane Khonsari

“We Were Just Kids”

Reyhane Khonsari

Illustration by Reyhaneh Mohammadi

Roses of the Land

Reyhaneh Mohammadi

Illustration by Ruina Cao

A Boy’s Journey

Ruina Cao

Illustration by Ruina Cao
Major Works

Ruina Cao

Illustration by Ryan Gibbs

Unicorns & Magical Thinking

Ryan Gibbs

Illustration by Shahrzad Soroosh

The Book of Queens

Shahrzad Soroosh

Illustration by Shahrzad Soroosh
Major Works


Shahrzad Soroosh

Illustration by Sharlene Santos

Category: Body

Sharlene Santos

Illustration by Sid Sharp

The Occupant

Sid Sharp

Illustration by Sid Sharp
Major Works

In the Room of All of Your Past and Future Lovers

Sid Sharp

Illustration by Tara Zeng

Playful Mundane

Tara Zeng

Illustration by Tenzin Tsering


Tenzin Tsering

Illustration by Tenzin Tsering
Major Works

Growing Pains

Tenzin Tsering

Illustration by Terry Dang

COVID-19: An Alternate Way of Life

Terry Dang

Illustration by Terry Dang
Major Works


Terry Dang

Illustration by Thamara Perera

May the Yakshi Rise Again!

Thamara Perera

Illustration by Thamara Perera
Major Works


Thamara Perera

Illustration by Thilany Arunthavarajah

The Other Reality

Thilany Arunthavarajah

Illustration by Tianshu Kuai

“Shameless” Escape

Tianshu Kuai

Illustration by Tianshu Kuai
Major Works

Summer Dream

Tianshu Kuai

Illustration by Tina Shan

“Am I the same person I was yesterday?”

Tina Shan

Illustration by Tina Shan
Major Works


Tina Shan

Illustration by Valerie Poon


Valerie Poon

Illustration by Valerie Poon
Major Works


Valerie Poon

Illustration by Vicky Huang


Vicky Huang

Illustration by Victoria Riopka

Echoed Behaviours

Victoria Riopka

Illustration by Victoria Tao

Boba Life

Victoria Tao

Illustration by Victoria Tao
Major Works

Gift and Gratitude

Victoria Tao

Illustration by Vincy Lim

Surviving Abuse

Vincy Lim

Illustration by Yiting Chai

She From The Minority Telling Not A Minority Issue

Yiting Chai

Illustration by Yu Rong Xue


Yu Rong Xue

Illustration by Yu Rong Xue
Major Works

Memory of the Guavas

Yu Rong Xue

Illustration by Yuhan Jiang

The Dream

Yuhan Jiang
